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September 09, 2021 Batteries, Solar, Green Energy

Batteries VS. Generators for Home Power Backup

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), a new solar energy system was installed every 75 seconds in 2020. Currently, 18.6 million homes use solar power, which is around 3% of the country’s total energy usage.

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Renewable Projects, Protect First Nations Land and Culture

Recent news headlines have shown the destructive potential of mining project operations on Aboriginal land and cultural heritage sites [1]. Renewable projects, like large scale solar and wind farms, are however not exempt from also potentially causing harm to Aboriginal land, and disregarding First Nations cultural heritage and ongoing connection to country.

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December 17, 2021 Battery, Storage, Energy, Monitoring

Should I Get Battery Storage for My Solar Energy System?

Imagine you’re home on a stormy night, watching TV with the washing machine running, and all of a sudden the power goes out. Now imagine the same scenario, except you have a rooftop solar energy system with battery storage. When the power goes out in your neighborhood, you’d be blissfully unaware.

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